Big Game Add

Getting into the Super Bowl conversation, without being in the Super Bowl.

Super Bowl Sunday is the biggest day of the year for guacamole consumption. Without a commercial to air in the game, we wanted to make sure California Avocados were still part of the conversation.

During the game, when a food or beverage brand released their ad, we tweeted back at them with a custom recipe that combined their product with our avocados. We worked with a California chef to create each recipe, making sure that even the strangest combinations came out tasting delicious.


By hijacking these brands' feeds, we saw a 535% increase in California Avocado post volume. A few of the brands even responded to us – including our rivals at Avocados from Mexico, who inserted us in a conversation with Coke. We also got a shoutout on Twitter during Key & Peele's live stream.


“The California Avocado Commission was brilliant and showed us the future of food marketing and connecting to shoppers…”

— Forbes 

“The California Avocado Commission had one of the cooler Twitter stunts going during Super Bowl 50—all connected to the food advertisers on the game.”

— AdWeek


Toyota Super Bowl


No Time To Waste